Weekly Cutting Edge Fitness 4/27/2019 class notes
Indian clubs
Warm up large circles
Warm up - lift clubs in parallel, up over shoulders to hand behind the shoulders
Arms straight out moulinets (vertical wrist circles) forward and back with club on outside of arm
Arms straight out moulinets (vertical wrist circles) forward with club on outside of arm then forward moulinet between arms as an inside moulinet
Large crossing forward spins Starting with large vertical circles with club stretched out,wrist straight, then crossing arms at the side continuing large.forward circles, crossing arms at alternating sides, making large X'es.

Health Wands
With wand lifted to the apex over the head tilt down to one side and then the other
Vertical side to side lifting wand
With hands palm down on wand ¼ from each end palms down, lift wand across body up vertically to one side, ending with one hand high and the other arm across front of body low. Feet together.
With hands on staff ¼ from each end palms down, lift wand across body up vertically to one side, ending with one hand high and the other arm across front of body high Same exercise as above with a knee forward bent knee stance, smaller than a lunge
Same as above.but with moving stepping forward
Drills with stepping and block with wand/staff as side.
Focus on rootedness and breath control