Weekly Martial Exercise 3/2/2019 class notes
Exercise covered:
Indian Clubs
Warm up - lift clubs in parallel, up over shoulders to hand behind the shoulders
Outward windmill swings - single club and both hands
Inward windmill swings - both hands
Cool down and loosen with large circle with both clubs
10 minute daily exercise - 2 clubs
Prepare by holding our both arms straight
Keeping arms in place rotate both clubs with forward moulinets
1. Lift clubs to shoulders, as you squat down in a demi squat swing both arms down in parallel, extending arms out in front
As arms come down , when the are straight out rotate both clubs with forward moulinets
After squat is completed rise up from squat, standing up and swinging both clubs up to return to starting position
2. Same as above but instead of moulinets on the way down do a reverse moulinet as you rise up
3. Combining outward moulinets on the way down then reverse moulinets on the way up

Step forward lunge parallel clubs (see diagram above)
Reverse lunge parallel clubs
Side lunge parallel clubs
Teacups (Chinese Internal arts qigong exercise)
Holding club only by the knob in a flat hand move the palms around the head as if holding a cup of hot tea
focus on maintaining a flat hand
ensure you reach out as far as you can stretch out horizontally.