Weekly Martial Exercise 2/23/2019 class notes
Exercise covered:
Indian Clubs
Outward windmill swings - both hands
breakdown into 4 steps
from start, lift club and look at wrist, club 90 degrees out
Inward windmill swings - both hands
Alternating hands Inward and outward mills

picture from "Physical_training_at_home" A. Alexander c.1898
Health wand (stick)
With wand behind shoulders, resting on shoulders -twist side to side with feet together
With wand behind hips, resting on hips - twist side to side with feet together
Pendulum swing to side
With one hand near end of wand and one toward center push arm to side of body lifting hand on other side
Poke to side
Lifting too chest and poking out to side
With one hand near end of wand and one toward center list wand in front to shoulder height and push to side
Lunge overhead
Forward lunge lifting wand overhead with hands at end of wands
Switch legs each lunge
Lunge overhead Wand behind neck
Forward lunge lifting wand overhead with hands at end of wands
Pull wand down behind head
Switch legs each lunge
Lunge overhead Wand wraps around behind neck
Forward lunge lifting wand overhead with hands at end of wands
Pull wand down around and behind head
Switch legs each lunge
Lunge wand striking down alternate feet
Forward lunge lifting wand striking down opposite hand
Keep foot in place as you move back and forth